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New Report Shows Cell Phone Use Causes 1 in 4 Car Crashes

Cell phones are everywhere. It’s almost impossible not to see a person using one, whether it’s at the grocery store, at a shopping mall, or even while driving. These handy devices are just one of the many modern conveniences available to the general population, but also one of the most dangerous according to a new report by the National Safety Council (NSC). Most are aware of the fact that distracted driving has become more common as technology advances and the report reveals just how frequently cell phone use contributes to car accidents.

A Danger on the Road

The NSC reported that about 25% of car accidents in some way involve cell phone use. The report also revealed texting was to blame for 5% of car accidents while drivers chatting on handheld or hand-free cell phones were responsible for 21%. In 2012 alone, over 3,000 deaths and over 400,000 injuries caused by distracted driving were reported. Even more shocking, the NSC believes distracted driving data may be even higher as many accidents go unreported.

Negligent Driving

The NSC’s report serves as a startling reminder that cell phone use while behind the wheel is irresponsible, negligent and most of all, dangerous. Any distraction which can limit your attention, perception and reaction time can place lives at risk. If you have found yourself to be the victim of such negligence, the Greenway Law Firm can help.

Dealing with medical costs such as hospital bills and rehabilitation sessions can place a great strain on your financial well-being. A personal injury lawsuit can help ease that strain and make your recovery easier.

The Legal Assistance You Need

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident where distracted driving has taken place can be an overwhelming situation to find yourself in. Know that a personal injury law firm in Austin which specializes in representing the victims of these accidents can help.